Franklin County Housing Authority - Parking Lot Improvements
Agency: Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Location: West Frankfort, IL
IL-61-1/West Frankfort (Office Building):
Repave drive, regrade at alley entry and pace (concrete) for drainage issues, replace stoops at Maintenance Building, seal joints in parking lot (concrete), clean and stripe public and staff parking spots.
IL-61-8/West Frankfort (Kuca Apartments):
Repave parking lots and stripe parking spaces, relocate dumpster pad, and replace designated concrete walks.
IL-61-1/West Frankfort (Anna Gray Apartments):
Clean, seal, and stripe asphalt parking lot, relocate accessible parking spaces, construct dumpster pad, and replace concrete patio at rear entrance.
Copies of the documents are available and may be obtained from our office by depositing a check in the amount of $75.00 for each set of documents so obtained, made payable to the Franklin County Housing Authority.