CDB #630-000-286-01 - Replace Roofing System; Tuckpoint; Insulate and Heat Buildings
Location: Carbondale and Elizabethtown, Illinois
Carbondale Headquarters Building (D0900): Work includes replacement of roofing at designated roof areas, including flashing and accessories; clean & repoint brick veneer, repair damaged brick, replace lintels, repair granite panels.
Carbondale Equipment Storage Building A (East) (D0904): Work includes renovation of a part of existing building for installation of insulation and heating system. Work includes new lighting and gas service to the building.
Elizabethtown Equipment Storage Building (D0982): Work includes insulating exterior walls and roof of existing post-framed building, upgrade electrical service, installation of electric heating units, and replace exterior wall panels and trim.
Copies of the documents are available and may be obtained from our office by depositing a check in the amount of $125.00 for each set of documents so obtained, made payable to the Eggemeyer Associates Architects, Inc.
This project has a construction estimate of: under $2,000,000.00